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Writer's picturePaul Whitehead

How to stop overthinking? Insights from Gestalt Psychotherapy

A woman deep in thought

Do you think you’re pretty self aware, yet feel trapped in an endless cycle of overthinking? 

Are you in touch with your emotions and the behaviours they lead to but struggle to break free from them? 

If so, you are not alone. Many of my clients experience this paradox of self-awareness.  They understand themselves on a cognitive level and really want to make changes in their life, but feel stuck, frustrated and unable to move forward. 

Understanding the Trap of Overthinking

Do you often replay conversations in your head, analyse your decisions to the point of paralysis, or worry incessantly about the future?

This tendency to overthink can lead to mental exhaustion and emotional turmoil. While self-awareness is a valuable trait, excessive rumination can hinder your ability to live fully in the present moment and can leave you feeling alienated and disconnected from yourself and others.  

What is Gestalt Psychotherapy?

Gestalt Psychotherapy, developed in the mid-20th century, is a holistic approach that emphasises awareness, the present moment, and appreciation of the whole  including the larger cultural realities (gender, race, sexuality, economics, etc.) that contribute to a person’s situation. It aims to help individuals achieve a sense of wholeness and balance by fostering a deeper connection to their immediate experiences.

The Paradoxical Theory of Change

One of the core principles of Gestalt therapy is the paradoxical theory of change, which posits that true change occurs not by trying to become something different, but by fully accepting who you are and what is happening in the present moment.

According to the paradoxical theory of change, when you stop striving to change and instead focus on becoming more aware of and accepting your current experience, transformation happens naturally. This concept can be particularly liberating for overthinkers who often exhaust themselves trying to think their way into change.

How to Stop Overthinking

Emphasizing the Present Moment

Gestalt therapy's core principle is the "here and now." It encourages individuals to focus on their current experiences rather than getting lost in past regrets or future anxieties. By redirecting attention to the present, you can break the cycle of overthinking and engage more fully with life as it unfolds.

Next time you catch yourself ruminating, ask: What is happening in my body right now? What emotions am I feeling at this moment?

Cultivating Awareness Beyond the Mind

Are you aware of how your body reacts when you're stuck in your head? Do you notice tension, shallow breathing, or a racing heart?

Gestalt therapy emphasises the importance of bodily awareness. Physical sensations often provide vital clues about our emotional states. By tuning into your body, you can gain insights that pure intellectual analysis might miss. This holistic awareness can help you understand the full spectrum of your experiences and respond to them more effectively.

Try a simple exercise: Close your eyes, take a few natural breaths, and scan your body from head to toe. What sensations do you notice? How do these sensations relate to your current thoughts and emotions?

Exploring and Expressing Emotions

Do you tend to analyse your feelings instead of fully experiencing them?

Overthinkers often intellectualise their emotions, trying to understand them logically rather than feeling them fully. Gestalt therapy encourages the direct expression of emotions. Gestalt therapists often use creative experiential exercises to help clients to externalise and confront their feelings, leading to emotional release and clarity.

Imagine you could speak directly to a part of yourself that you're struggling with.  What would you say? What might you say if you treated that part of you like a friend. 

Enhancing Self-Responsibility and Empowerment

Do you feel stuck because you believe your circumstances are beyond your control?

Gestalt therapy emphasises personal responsibility and empowerment. It encourages individuals to recognise their role in creating and maintaining their experiences. This perspective shift can be liberating, helping you realise that you have the power to change your patterns and make different choices.

Reflect on a situation where you feel stuck. How might your thoughts and actions be contributing to how you feel and the situation you’re in? What small steps can you take to regain a sense of control and agency?

Practical Techniques in Gestalt Therapy for Overthinkers

Mindfulness and Grounding Exercises

Mindfulness is a cornerstone of Gestalt therapy. Simple grounding exercises, such as feeling your feet on the ground, your breath in your belly, or engaging in a sensory experience (what you can see, hear, feel, smell, feel), can help you break free from overthinking and reconnect with what is happening in the “here and now”

Try this: When you notice yourself getting lost in thought, take a few moments to feel your feet on the ground. Feel the weight of your body. Notice what your breathing is like without trying to change it. Notice the sensation of air entering and leaving your body. How does this shift your awareness?

Creative Expression

When was the last time you engaged in a creative activity without worrying about the outcome?

Gestalt therapy often incorporates creative expression, such as art, movement, or writing, to help individuals explore and express their inner experiences. Engaging in creative activities can bypass the analytical mind and help you tap into deeper emotional and intuitive levels.

Grab a piece of paper and some markers or crayons. Without thinking too much, draw whatever comes to mind. Notice how this process makes you feel. What insights emerge from this spontaneous expression?

Integrating Gestalt Principles into Daily Life

How you can bring the principles of Gestalt therapy into your everyday routine to reduce overthinking and enhance your well-being

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine to stay present and reduce rumination.

  2. Body Awareness: Regularly check in with your body to identify and address physical manifestations of stress and overthinking. Remember that you don’t need to change anything, just notice what is happening.

  3. Emotional Expression: Find healthy outlets for expressing your emotions, such as journaling, talking with a friend, or engaging in creative activities.

Conclusion: Breaking Free from the Cycle of Overthinking

If you find yourself trapped in your head despite being self-aware, Gestalt Psychotherapy may offer a pathway to liberation. By emphasising the present moment, cultivating holistic awareness and encouraging emotional expression, Gestalt therapy can help you break free from the cycle of overthinking.

Are you ready to step out of your head and into the fullness of your life? Gestalt therapy invites you to explore the richness of your present experience, embrace your whole self, and embark on a journey of transformation.

Paul Whitehead

My name is Paul Whitehead.  I'm a Gestalt Therapist working in Glossop, central Manchester and online. I’m passionate about Gestalt because it provides a genuinely holistic approach to human flourishing. I have found my approach works especially well with people who:

  • Are pretty self-aware but get stuck in their head

  • Feel anxious and get stuck in patterns, stories and ‘overthinking’

  • Are grieving or facing a life-limiting illness

  • May be confronting spiritual or religious problems or crises

  • Feel like they may be at a crossroads in their life and want to explore the next step

  • Are dealing with trauma, depression, shame or anxiety and don’t know where to turn.


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